
Briquette Charcoal - Other Classified Ads in Semarang

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Many countries in the world are competing to develop new energy sources
renewable as fossil energy reserves decrease. Indonesia too
Developing this renewable energy source, one of which is energy from biomass. Briquettes
Coconut shell is one of the development of biomass energy, but
The development of adhesive types is still being researched. This study aims to find out
Characteristics of coconut shell briquettes with various types of briquette adhesives. Research
Done by shrinking the size of coconut shell charcoal to pass size 40
Mesh, then mixed with various variations of adhesives in a proportion of 15%.
A mixture of charcoal flour with adhesives (tapioca, clay and bentonite) is moistened and
Printed in cylindrical shape then dried with cabinet drier. After drying
Each product is analyzed for moisture content, ash content, volatile substance content, bonded carbon content
and calorific value by ASTM D-3175 method. Then the average is calculated and fingerprinted
variety and further testing Duncan. From the results of the study it was concluded that briquettes with all
This type of perkat meets good quality standards for moisture content, ash content, bonded carbon content
and caloric value. Except for the content of volatile substances still does not meet the standard. As for grades
The highest calorie is shown in briquette products with tapioca adhesive treatment with grades
6314.46 cal/g.

Phone : +62 851-7339-4345
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January 25, 2024
Taman Marina A3-21, Tawangsari, west semarang semarang city, indonesia, Semarang, Indonesia
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Briquette Charcoal