This is great...Talk about a target audience!...Thanks a bunch!

Dawn Mancuso
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"This Opportunity Matching is useful, as one can see the exact things one needs."

James Omina
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"I love your Opportunity Matching! It saved a lot of time, it helps me to find exactly what I am looking for... it's one of the best features... every social networking site should have this!"

Alena Krtilova
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"With the necessity to reserve cash flow and the stresses of staying in the black it is the quest of any entrepreneur to utilize any type of FREE or low cost interaction for business promotion! "Being a small business owner myself, I am constantly on the look out for various ways to find like-minded individuals who share a strong drive and thirst for entrepreneurship. I find a very solid pool of these individuals at www.salespider.com. This site is awesome because it allows you to socially interact with other business owners, post classified ads, as well as create forums. I would definitely equate this too Facebook, but it's geared toward social interactions among entrepreneurs. "I find the site to be useful and very informative, and above all else it�s FREE!" Denise�s informative summary of SaleSpider.com features and benefits can be seen on YouTube.

Denise Jackson
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Congrats! Awesome Tool

Amar B.
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While I was going through my weekly scan of sales leads , I came across a few leads in the HVAC sector. Knowing that some of my close associates in the business were struggling, I decided to forward those leads to them. After they closed the deal, I was asked for a meeting. The outcome was a substantial referral to my company with an annual sales volume that I never expected to see.

The quality and quantity of free leads is great!

Juergen Kuhlmann
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I found the ad I had placed on here in the top ten of Google. Not just the top ten... the listing was actually #4 for that keyword.

"WOW, I've hit the mother load!" I thought. Well, needless to say, This has become one of my daily sites where I place posts, regardless of the keyword.

Jim Skelton
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I have got leads galore along with getting to know people I would never have had the opportunity to meet, if not for this website and all the wonderful people associated with this company. The site is very easy to navigate, there are always answers to your questions, the advertising is impeccable and always straight to the point.

If you aren't using this website to the full extent that it�s possible, then you are only shortchanging yourself and your business. I love it, will continue to use it to the max and I suggest you do the same!

Don Egnor
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When I signed-up, I knew nothing about online ads. Today, I can say I'm an expert in online business and know exactly to whom and where I should place my ads.
Gia Latchman
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This website is amazing. It opens you up to clients you would never expect.

If you want more biz join the team now and expect instant clients and customers.

Maurice LaRiviere, Jr.
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Over the period of a few weeks I had so many contacts that I just couldn't believe it. The hits are coming everyday and sales are up.
Rev. Frederick A Kohler
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I found this website about the same time that I was trying to do split testing of my ads, which means I was spending a lot of money on Pay Per Click. When I found the free classified ads section I was amazed! I could split test my ads for free! Unbelievable. I had spent so much money with little success. Now this website lets me test my ads for free! I can see my click through rate, change the ad a little and improve the number of impressions daily! But here's the very best part - I'm getting free targeted traffic to all of my websites from members here! And several have joined me in affiliate programs through my ads! Because of this website, my prospect list gets bigger every day with like-minded people! That's not just super-targeted traffic, that's generating tons of free leads to my business!
Terri Stallcop
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After climbing the corporate ladder of the lending/credit industry, I found myself holding nothing more than my last paycheck. The future was bleak for someone with so much to offer from 12 years of lending experience. Then came this website with an uplifting offer to help me devise a way to sell my new home-based business with just a small investment of time. I was so afraid that it was too good to be true. Much to my surprise, the responses to my business have been so positive that I am framing a copy of my first check!
Crystal Kehoss
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This website has proven to be an indispensable resource for my business within just ninety days of joining. They have woven together a wonderful website of resources without leaving me dangling on a thread wondering how to navigate it. This is Charlotte, not the Who�s Boris. Within the first week of posting my profile I met several people in my city who expressed an interest in networking with me. Several symbiotic business relationships were quickly spun. I immediately generated two new leads sources, and have already earned over three-thousand dollars in additional sales from them. I can easily envision this becoming a silky strong net of revenue for years to come. Top kudos to the minds behind this website!
David Colister
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I plan to add this site to all of my other sites that I use for networking; hoping to bring more people . Great Place!
Deborah W.
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The day I joined this website was a Great day for me. I've met a LOT of nice people and my sign-ups increased. I'm on other Social Networks and this one makes it easier to use its services. I can even send emails to all my contacts in one day. Thanks, for being here for us!
Frances S.

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I've Been Advertising with this website for a while. I find it to be a very good way for people to see your products.
Arnold J.

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The changes are great. It is now easier to check my messages and send e-mails. I know that this website is a great asset to my internet business and without it I would be lost. Please keep up the good work, and thank you for letting me become a member of this great network.
Michael L.

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I have made some very good connections here. I have gotten some business and I've also become a client of some members. Features are easy to use, very effective and a great value. On most other sites, the free features are useless, but here, the free features are beneficial and the low cost upgrades for ads or events are extremely cost effective. I highly recommend this website to find customers, great products and services in a quick and efficient manner.
Kathy H.

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I just joined this website and it has been a great resource. Marketing is simple!
Cheryl P.

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I am absolutely thrilled with your website. I find it very easy to use, and it works! The address, etc. updates are wonderful. Thank you for being there.
Tammy B.

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It�s refreshing to have such a receptive audience of like-minded business people. Not only have I increased my sales, but I�ve also been introduced to new marketing techniques from other members. This website is my #1 choice for social business networking.
Julie Z.

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This website is a fantastic networking opportunity. Thank you for all your help. Keep up the good work.
Gary B.

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I have received a lot of interest and my business is growing, thank to this website! And I like their new videos; it�s an excellent tool for any business. Thanks!
Joyce H.

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I am thankful for being a part of this website. It�s been wonderful sharing business information with others, making money, and making friends in one place
Ruby H.

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The responses to my profile have been a real boost to my new business venture! I keep getting inquiries and have even had sign ups - all within the first 24 hours! Hats off to the founders of this wonderful site and a heart felt thanks.
Theresa K.

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This website is perfect! It connects me to fellow online business people around the GLOBE and has infinite potential with excellent tools and backup features, and even opportunities to earn money while using the free site. Keep up the great work!
Phil Y.

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Since I began using this website I have watched my site visitors and product sales increase. Hands down, it�s one of the cheapest most effective marketing systems online!
Marc R.

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I wanted to say "Thank you" to you and your team. This website is an amazing site for business owners to get the word out on their businesses. Again, thank you all!
Lisa V.

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This website is a place to find other business people to talk and swap deals, and also helps the search engine find what you�re selling or advertising. People I�ve met always say, "To promote anything, go here". Thank you.
Monty O.

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After just three days of posting an ad, I closed a loan which was driven to my website from my classified! I am confident that my business will continue to benefit from your wonderful site!
Paul F.

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I am pleased there is a place like this website - a lot of good people here. The extra money is great, too, but meeting people with like-minds can help you in your quest. Thanks for much for being here.

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I�m an author and am using your site to mass market my book. This site is extremely user-friendly and I have explored other opportunities provided by your site as well. Thank you!
Anastasia C.

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This website is a site that allows members to share information, communicate, promote and advertise. From my team, thank you.
Gary B.

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This website is an amazing community and I look forward to making more great friends and networking with other professionals.
Philip S.

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This website is a great networking site and a wonderful program. This is an excellent tool for network-online business owners!
Felisa R.

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Thanks to this website, I have a lot more sales leads and am making money on my website!
Betsey L.

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I just have to praise this website. The first day I signed up, that very evening, I had people already joining my venture! It is one of the best sites because you not only get to advertise your business and make deals, but you make a lot of wonderful friends too!
Frances S.

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This website is the best business social network on the Net. The first day I signed up, people were already interested in my online business. Accolades to you and great job!
Emily C.

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The traffic and success we�ve already acquired wouldn�t have happened without this website.
Chelsie M.

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I am getting a lot of interest and business from your site. I'm going to utilize this website and mass-market my book to your community and create sales! Thank you in advance.
Howard R.

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I would like to thank you for putting together such a cutting edge social networking site. I like the enhanced features here that I have not seen on others. Your business growth is a testament to an excellent tool you have provided for my self and other business owners.
Monique H.

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I was struggling with getting the traffic I needed to be a success in internet marketing, then I found this website! I hope everyone has the great results I have had.
Carolyn B.

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This website is really user friendly... A++! It is getting more appealing by the week. Keep up the great work!
Patrick D.

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This website is extremely user-friendly and a great way to meet people who are interested in business and making money. You are the best on the Net for people who want to advertise their business. Thanks for making it so easy.
Pam B.

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I had to let you know how much I appreciate your website! I just joined recently and am very impressed. I have made several new friends and really thank you for it.
Glen R.

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Have I told you guys how great your customer service is? If not, I apologize, you guys are GREAT!
Rita A.

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A great system that�s so easy to use, This websiteis a site I�m going to keep promoting my business on. Keep up the great work!
Marilyn W.

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This website is really easy to work with and is helping my business grow! Thanks!
Jody P.

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After watching the clip of the CEO I jumped on the bandwagon and my life has never been the same. Thanks!
Rich J.

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Traffic has increased on my site and, with your wonderful service, I know it will continue! Thank you.
Debbie W.

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